An Introduction To NWN Exposed
It never ceases to amaze us how stupid and gullable some people are and in other cases we already know and we like to expoit it purely for the entertainment value hence this blog. A few months back the Covert Team were bored, the winter of 2008/2009 was a harsh one and we needed something to lift our spirits so we devised a plan to get the maximum entertainment from the retards known as North West Nationalists. Pete Barker, John Holloway and the probably the most stupid fuckwit we have ever encountered Sean Hadley.

John Holloway a.k.a Seaforth/JohnInBasel/jib etc
Preliminary confession by SNEAKY C.U.N.T
First of all, I need to confess that the discovery of this man being a confirmed red was purely accidental. I, along with others, had long suspected it but there was no way of proving it. If you are reading this, you probably know all the reasons behind the suspicion so there is no need to go into them in depth.
This caper was purely an exercise in winding him up and wasting his time. The plan was to tell him outrageous things and see how much he would swallow before cottoning on that he was being laughed at. I wanted to see him announce that this person worked in a Chinese chipshop, or that person rode a clapped out old Hongdou scooter with decals of pink butterflies on it.
I had no idea what my joke would lead to. It's been slow going, and at times I thought he wasn't buying, but the use of his avatar on the VNN forum proves that he swallowed my story, hook line and sinker. The reason for his choice of that avatar will become apparent as you read through.

Gaining John Holloway's Trust

Someone who had ingratiated himself on the Nationalist scene from the comfort of his home in Switzerland did not appear to be all that he seemed. I decided to discover more. I had already discovered several things that gave me pause for thought; a wife with a Jewish maiden name, a pornography habit, strange fetishes.....All these things are well documented elsewhere, and if you are reading this, then no doubt you already know of them. No point in rehashing them here. Of course there were all the constant instances of shit stirring and losing no opportunity to cause division. These things had all made him a much despised person and a figure of much hilarity. So when I saw on his blog that he was begging for information on someone I knew would play along with my plan, I decided to have some fun. I concocted an illiterate character and posted a couple of innocuous comments on his blog, before dropping a hint that I knew where the person lived. JiB fell for it hook, line and sinker. I registered on JiB's forum and within minutes, had received a private message from JiB begging me to tell him where D lived. I played carefully, claiming I was worried about D finding out who his informant was. JiB lapped it up and guaranteed me anonymity. My plan was underway.

John Holloway Gets All Giddy Because He Thinks Hes Got An Honest And Trusted Source (The thick fucker)
Unfortunately his forum does not save copies of outgoing messages, so I have no real record of what was said other than what is quoted in the screenshots. I'm sure you'll get the general idea from those. If I'd known what I would eventually discover from my little joke, I would have saved them all - but never mind!Take careful note of the screenshot in which JiB confides he has a "well blackened" - in other words - well used - firearm. The Swiss laws on gun ownership for non-nationals make interesting reading.

....Trust gained
Little bits of inconsequential information was sent by me - references to a pub in D's area that he supposedly drank in followed by the street he lived on. I said I didn't know the exact door number as I had only seen D coming in and out of an entry at the back of a row of houses.I watched JiB's Youtube account, and sure enough, he had been watching video tours of the area I had given him.I knew he had swallowed the bait.To make doubly sure, D suggested I tell him that D actually stood for Daragh. It didn't seem like he'd fallen for this until one day he popped up on another forum and sent D a private message - saying "Hello Daragh".I asked D for suggestions on something else funny to tell him - I didn't want to accidentally hit on something that was true; neither did I want to go to far and invent a tale that D would be unhappy with.. He suggested that I see if I could get JiB to spend a few shekels and gave me the name of a book in which he was mentioned.I fed it to JiB and he was delighted! Followers of JiB/WD on VNN will no doubt now begin to understand some of WD's recent posts. He bought the story and he bought the book!

Let The Piss Taking Begin!
Now The ball is rolling its time to start the wind up. John Holloway seriously thinks hes onto a winner now LOL! If only the poor old man had an idea that the exclusive and inside information he was getting was from the very same people he thought he was attacking. Obviously keeping a straight face through all of this takes a lot of effort.

John Holloway The Waiter....Just Don't Order The Yogurt For Afters
We have yet to see any of the 'threats' Holloway mentions in this screenshot but the address he mentions (where he was working at the time) was a restaurant in Basel that (you'll love this this) specialises in Mediteranian and North African Cuisine. LOL.

Holloway Sucks It All Up Like A Sponge And We Even Get Him To Buy A Book

The funny part about this is that he took the info hook, line and sinker and had no idea that by using EBAY it would be even easier to find out more about him. Sure enough he bought the book which gave us all a good laugh and put a few quid in someones pocket and now we had his EBAY details. To make matter worse for John it was actually Dave who passed on the info so he would find out about the book.....keeerching! LOL

....Now He's Really Buzzing As He Orders The Book

Getting John Holloways Ebay Name
Once he informed me that he had purchased the book title that D had given me to feed him, I kept a close watch on that title on eBay. More than one copy had been sold at around the right time and so I continued to check the sellers' feedback to identify the purchasers.

It was a relatively simple process of deduction, requiring patience more than anything else. Finally, up popped feedback from one "jmholl99". This ties in with his name.

I looked at all the feedback he had left. The first thing I noticed was his location: Switzerland. The next thing I noticed was his eBay avatar; identical to the one he used on his own forum.

This was enough to convince me, and after reading through his previous purchases, which consisted mainly of coins, I knew it was the right man.

Screenshots are in the next post.

John Holloways Ebay Account

VNN Avatar
The astute among you will have noticed the new avatar of WD on VNN. This, of course, comes directly from the book we fed him. It's the gentleman on the left of the cover. I insinuated that it might be one of D's older brothers, because there were several of them and they all looked alike. So when he uses it on VNN, he thinks he is outing The Truth At Last's brother.

This proves two things; that jmholl99 is JiB, and that WD is also JiB.

So His Ebay Name Is Known....
......and I decide to see if he has used this name anywhere else. He has indeed. He has posted to a couple of political groups and to various groups about his mercury filling problems. We are all familiar with those so there is no need to rehash them all here but a couple of choice links so that you are sure in your own mind that jmholl99 is JiB.

Link one

Link two

"Let me, as a Swiss/British national, i.e. someone who has lived in a central European but non EU country for almost 25 years, add some comments."

That's our man!

Further research on your own account of the username jmholl99 will lead you to other links should you wish for further proof, but I think the above two will suffice.

John Holloway The ANTI-NAZI - The Proof

Finally, research on his eBay name, which I have proven to be his without any doubt, led me to this.

It's the same eBay name which has posted on the mercury groups and it's an Austrian politics group. This ties in neatly with his wife being Austrian.

Just in case you can't quite make out John's thoughts on the screenshot, here they are again:

Yes, yours is a very fair assessment of the Nazis, i.e. they were Fascists (in the modern sense of the word) i.e. a group of rabble rousers leading the masses, who usurped the established political system (using in this case democratic means most probably for the first time to achieve this end) to replace it with a dictatorship in the end suppressing all dissent or as you put it "they cheat all, just to get the power.

So that's how it was done. I have documented every step with proof and I am convinced that this man is a confirmed anti-fascist.

Before making this blog live, I decided to see whether JiB still trusted his new found friend. The couple of people who knew what was happening had kept very quiet about all of this, so there was a fair chance I could still get a laugh out of him.

On the 11th of May, I sent him the following private message:
"daraghs gone near on balistick at stuff youve posted hes been going mental trying to find out who tell you about that book hahah shoud have heard him last week going what else is the old b!!!!!!d gonna say here ask him what his favurite dinner is and watch him go post a pic of chopsticks when hes got going hell love that 1"

The results can be clearly seen, as can confirmation of yet another sock puppet.

I then supplied him with the following bit of juicy gossip.
"rite this did definately not come from me i dont think he will know me from this name but i dont want to risk it its not his scoot this is his car PX06 GBU its a white one and smart it is too i dont no how he got that as a bus driver unless its on hp i had to wait to give it till he had it for a bit or if id said weeks ago he'd no it come from only 4 folk"

John Holloway Almost Drops His Yogurt After We Give Him A Car Registration Number

After giving Holloway a car registration number we found, he must have been bouncing round the room with this latest gem. Sorry John but we all had a damn good laugh at this one. If only you knew how much entertainment you were giving us as at the conception of this cheeky little idea. We thought up loads of ideas knowing full well that you had no idea that your 'informant' was the Covert Teams very own SNEAKY C.U.N.T. Sneaky by name and sneaky by nature LOL

Just When You Thought It Was Over.....
the funnies keep coming.....
As a couple of people know, this blog was due to be live before now. We thought we had gone as far as we could with it. After I had been asked to provide the make of Dave's car (because JIB has access to a database where he can obtain your home address by knowing your reg and car make) I decided I had to leave it there. If I had given him a car make, he would realise he had been given the car number of this car. Some of you may recognise the registration from VNN thread "tags". Now you know who posted them, and why.

Until I received an email.


I you have a bit of time could you look on Nats Online and let me know if the pics I found on the new Google Maps with Streets are the ones of our Daragh LOL.

I know it’s only a one in a hundred chance of being right, but you may recognise him.

JiB (John in Basel)

PS Hope it is ok to email you. I got it from your reg. details.

I logged in and discovered I had been given access to a hidden forum! John has driven down what he thinks is Dave's road (using google earth, mind; he didn't actually do it himself) and has taken what he thinks are screenshots of Dave coming out of a house. The games are back on!


Pics of Daragh!

Some Screenshots From The Hidden Google Earth Thread

Yes! Thats Dave!
I decided to confirm that it was indeed Dave. I then sat back and waited for further fun.

JIB deleted my post confirming that it did look like Dave for fear someone passes the post to Dave. So if you're reading this, PLEASE don't tell Dave. ;)

I was then in receipt of another email from our intrepid Dave-hunter.

Thanks for the info. I might post it on VNN tomorrow (if I can register today)
I deleted your post as soon as I had copied it. Anyone could copy that message and send it to Dave or someone. We can't trust everyone on the forum.

"We can't trust everyone on the forum"!!!!!!!

No John. You can't. Someone might tell Dave.

John Holloway Becomes A Film Maker
Fueled by his seemingly never ending supply of inside information John embarks on a film career. He knows a street name (given to him randomly) and by sheer coincidence he finds a picture of someone who he thinks is Dave H. When we found out about this even we were stunned at the chance of someone with similar stature (but fatter and probably not as pretty says Dave) being on the street that had been chosen and needless to say the entertainment value had increased ten fold. None of us have any connection to Woodthorpe and until the Yogurt Meister (Holloway) had his turn at 'exposing someone' we had never even seen google earth Sheffield (where the pics come from) let alone chosen somewhere that is miles away from any of us to take a look at. One thing that immediately concerned us though was the bloke in the picture has a young girl in his arms so obviously we had to discuss where to take this in the pursuit of entertainment courtesy of retards like Holloway and Barker. We decided at the time not to act though and chose to see if John Holloway an Co would stoop to a level that we all, in the back of our minds, thought even they wouldn't lower themselves to......but they did.

Thanks to JIB being so fucking gullible, we at Covert Mansion were the first to see his film.

Email received:

You can be the first to see this piss-take video of Dave.
JiB (John in Basel)

How long did it take the sad twat to put this together?

Dave's Pub

Here's JiB looking up the pub we fed him.


Some wise words from John Holloway here. Shame he doesn't take his own advice.

John Holloway Is A Fan Of The Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactics Crew

Pete Barker Goes On To Condone Attacks Despite One 'Target' Being A Child
The fact that Barker and Co were never given an addy and finding someone (anyone) on the street in the pictures was purely coincidence he seems to applaud using any means (as long as its from behind a keyboard) to satisfy his cowardice even if one of his 'targets' is a child. Barker, posting as 'Prometheus Unbound' on their forum (paid for by John Holloway) is always either blaming someone else or trying to get someone else to do his dirty work as his inferiority complex prevents him. Heres his reply to comments made to him by another poster on their forum who is outlining his hypocricy.

John Holloway Justifies Making The Video

Screenshots From North West Grassionalists
These are screenshots from a thread on JIB's blog. Doesn't he sound excited to think he has something? Don't you almost feel sorry for him?

I think the last word must go to the star of the show.

John Morris Holloway - how do you feel now you have not only been outed as a red but thoroughly humiliated again as well?

"We can't trust everyone on the forum.

John Holloway Caught Looking At And Rating Young Girls Stripping On YouTube
This one was a classic from last year when Holloway was caught letching over some girl who was doing some kind of porno stuff on YouTube and he forgot than his rating tab was on. What made this exceptionally funny was that he was obviously watching a Jonathan Bowden video and it must have stirred his hormones so he went on the hunt for young girls albiet in cyber space, we are sure she appreciated his rating star though. Rather than go ahead and make this public straight away we handed the direct URL round to people who inturn did the same thing until everyone had seen for themselves (and not just take our word for it). Needless to say John Holloway was livid when he was made aware his nasty little habits had been viewed by just about everyone and he had absolutely no excuses and could hardly say it was a 'setup'. John never got over this and due to its entertainment value nor has anyone else.

Stormfront Britain Moderator Dux90 Angry That NWNumpties Lied In Her Name
Below the first two screen shots show the type of comments still appearing on the North West Nationalists Blog. Vile to say the least despite the person they think it is not being the person in the picture. Furthermore contrary to our original article it turns out that SF's Dux90 is livd that Pete Barker, Sean Hadley and the Yogurt Meister John Holloway have lied quite publicly in her name. She NEVER condoned what they were doing nor did she ever state that COVERT UNDERCOVER NUISANCE TACTICS or associates ever "threatened" her and she has herself publicy denounced their disgraceful lies. In a message to someone we know she asked that the same message be made public to clear the matter up and here it is.
"Ok I'll tryI know you don't know me but those who do, know I am honest.Yes I condemn that without reservation and if Sean Hadley and Pete Barker have lied then I condemn that too.I was intimidated by Yorkshire Loyal as I am not used to being attacked even verbally and I reacted accordingly.Life was tricky at the time with illness in my elderly parents and I felt enough was enough.It all stemmed from one pm from Yorkshire Loyal but that was after many nasty posts and pms on here from other posters.I regretted resigning as a mod and was sorry I had been hasty.The unpleasantness on the Covert blog did nothing to help and yet I felt I had given in to easily.So when you came to me with a pm and the info had seemed to come from the Covert team I was disinclined to do anything.I do not look at other forums or blogs so this was all going on without me being aware of it until very recently.As to doing anything about the threats it seemed as if I was expected to refute all sorts of stuff out on the internet.It seemed an impossible task, maybe I should have, as if it would have stopped this at it's source then I regret that.I can only say again that Yorkshire Loyal intimidated be in one pm and I probably overreacted.At no time did Yorkshire Loyal threaten my family and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.I condemn any outing and that is without reservation.Thank you againDux90"